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Diane Sussman


  • 1992 : Master 1 in Commercial Law, Paris I
  • 1993 : Master 2 in North American Business Law, Paris I & Magistère in Business Law, Paris I
  • 1996 : Sworn in as a lawyer at the Paris Bar


Diane Sussman is the founding partner of the firm.

She holds the title of specialist in family and estate law and is a member of the IAFL (International Association of Family Law), , an international association of family lawyers recognized by their peers as the most experienced in their countries in national and international family law.

She is editor of the French chapter of the ICLG (International Comparative Law Guide) on family law and lectures in France and abroad on national and international family law issues. As co-president of the Paris-Singapore International Committee of the Paris Bar, she helped set up a hotline for women victim of violence in the French community in Singapore.

Her experience as an expatriate in Singapore has made her aware of the particularities of life abroad and the difficulties encountered by her clients in a different legal culture.

Gifted with natural empathy, she helps her clients find pragmatic and constructive solutions.

Gifted with natural empathy, she helps her clients find pragmatic and constructive solutions.

Bilingual French-English

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